Char Siu Buns


Chopped, plant-based gluten meat mixed in with our thick BBQ sauce (contains spices such as star anise, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, and white pepper) and housed in a soft, white bun (enriched flour-based)
Vegan. Contains soy and wheat


A classic and an all-time-favourite in the Orient from thousands of years ago to current times, the Barbecue Pork Bun is enjoyed by people of all ages. We introduce the vegan version in the West, bringing a little piece of heaven to this part of the world. If you haven’t yet tried our BBQ Pork Buns, now is a good time. If you have, it’s a good idea to have some on hand for a warm, filling snack or meal. Don’t forget the cup of hot tea — they make a perfect balance! 

Additional information

Weight 240 g

Cooking Instructions

Arrange buns in a steamer or colander and place inside any pot filled with a little water. Cover & leave water to boil for 10-15 mins.

Arrange buns in a dish. Put a small amount of water in a small bowl and microwave together for 1 minute.

Caution: Careful, contents will be hot!

Instructions de cuisson

Cuire à la vapeur:
Disposer les brioches dans un cuit-vapeur ou une passoire et les placer dans une casserole remplie d’un peu d’eau. Couvrir et laisser l’eau bouillir pendant 10-15 minutes.

Au micro-ondes:
Disposer les brioches dans un plat. Mettre une petite quantité d’eau dans un petit bol et passer le tout au micro-ondes pendant 1 minute.

Attention: Attention, le contenu sera chaud!



Dough: Enriched flour, Water, Sugar, Vegetable shortening, Yeast, Baking powder
Filling: Gluten, Water, Sugar, Mushroom sauce (soybean, wheat, salt, glutinous rice, starch, sugar, seasoning agent, mushroom powder, sodium benzoate), Soy sauce (soybean, wheat, salt, water, sugar), Potato starch, Corn starch, Dark soy sauce (water, soybeans, wheat flour, salt, sugar, mushroom extract, sulfur dioxide), Red colouring, Mushroom seasoning (mushroom powder, mushroom extract, vegetable extract, salt, Sodium 5’guanylate), Salt

Allergens: Soy, Wheat

Disclaimer: Please check the product label for the most up-to-date ingredient and allergen information.


Pâte: Farine enrichie, eau, sucre, graisse végétale, levure, levure chimique.
Garniture: Gluten, eau, sucre, sauce aux champignons (soja, blé, sel, riz gluant, amidon, sucre, assaisonnement, poudre de champignons, benzoate de sodium), sauce soja (soja, blé, sel, eau, sucre), fécule de pomme de terre, amidon de maïs, Sauce soja foncée (eau, graines de soja, farine de blé, sel, sucre, extrait de champignon, dioxyde de soufre), Colorant rouge, Assaisonnement aux champignons (poudre de champignon, extrait de champignon, extrait végétal, sel, 5’guanylate de sodium), Sel.

Allergènes: Soja, Blé

Clause de non-responsabilité: Veuillez consulter l’étiquette du produit pour obtenir les informations les plus récentes sur les ingrédients et les allergènes.


Nutrition Facts

Disclaimer: Please check the product label for the most up-to-date nutritional facts.

Clause de non-responsabilité: Veuillez consulter l’étiquette du produit pour obtenir les données nutritionnelles les plus récentes.

Char Siu Buns
