Vege Filet Steak


Versatile and easy to prepare, our Vege Fillet Steak can be grilled, pan-seared, or even used as the star ingredient in your favorite recipes. Serve it alongside a medley of grilled vegetables, toss it into a vibrant salad, or place it on a crusty roll with all your favorite toppings for a mouthwatering plant-based steak sandwich.


Our Vege Fillet Steak is expertly crafted using a combination of premium plant-based ingredients, carefully chosen to replicate the tender and juicy qualities of a classic steak. Each fillet is thoughtfully composed, incorporating a blend of textured vegetable proteins and natural flavors that result in a remarkably meat-like taste and texture.

Additional information

Weight 454 g


Water, NON-GMO Soy Protein (Contains Soy, Wheat), Corn Starch, Bread, Flour (Contains Wheat), Potato Starch, Canola Oil, Whey Protein (Milk Product), Starch, Salt, Sugar, Flavoring Agent (Glycine), Spices (Contains Soy), Black Pepper.

Cooking Method: Pan-fry, Deep-fry.

Allergens: Soy, Wheat, Milk


Eau, protéines de soja sans OGM (contient du soja et du blé), amidon de maïs, pain, farine (contient du blé), fécule de pomme de terre, huile de canola, protéines de lactosérum (produit laitier), amidon, sel, sucre, agent aromatisant (glycine), épices (contient du soja), poivre noir.

Mode de cuisson: Poêler, frire.

Allergènes: Soja, Blé, Lait

Nutrition Facts

Vege Filet Steak
